I vividly remember when Nisa came into the bank I worked at, and told us about the idea she had to start her own business. I was so excited for her, and asked what her
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High Ground Café and Espresso Bar
A newcomer on the coffee scene, High Ground Café and Espresso Bar, has made quite an impact. Opening its doors in October 2020, and during Covid-19, must have been an exceptional challenge for owner, Corey
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Hawks Coffee Shop
In our last blog post we talked about Livengoodies, and how Sheli sells her hot cocoa bombs at local coffee shops, well Hawks is one of those said establishments. In fact, I had never heard
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Not exactly serving coffee, the product Livengoodies sells pairs very well with hot beverages, such as coffee. In addition, this is the only company on my coffee tour this month where I have actually not
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Best Day Ever Nutrition
Our first stop is as promised, one you most likely would never expect to be on our list of coffee stops, Best Day Ever Nutrition. Located downtown on 5th Street, this has become an easily
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Coffee Tour
Welcome to “Coffee Month”! I feel like our tour we are about to embark on is quite fitting considering how bitterly cold it has been out. In the past we have visited Jitters, Peirce Street
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