Coffee Tour

Welcome to “Coffee Month”! I feel like our tour we are about to embark on is quite fitting considering how bitterly cold it has been out. In the past we have visited Jitters, Peirce Street

Welcome to “Coffee Month”! I feel like our tour we are about to embark on is quite fitting considering how bitterly cold it has been out. In the past we have visited Jitters, Peirce Street Coffee Works, and StoneBru, three very popular coffee stops here in town. We’ve also visited Koffie Knection in South Sioux City where I hosted my engagement party slash bridal shower. But there are more, much more!

Our coffee loyalty

In fact, there may be some stops on our tour you never would have guessed even serve a morning cup of Joe. And anyone you ask who knows me, knows that I absolutely love my java. My husband and I buy a pound of coffee every month, religiously, from a local coffee roaster, Coffee King. And knowing now how obvious and striking the disparities are between organic and grocery-labeled, mass-produced coffee beans and grounds, we will never go back to buying off the grocery shelves when it comes to our favorite hot beverage.

Never looking back

We have visually compared the grounds from Coffee King versus popular brands, and it is noticeable. Shockingly, it looks like some of these nationally recognized brands use fillers, and their grounds almost look like gravel, and taste the same, like dirt.

We trust Coffee King, because while we are there, we can physically see the roasting of the coffee beans, then see it go through the grinder, and finally bagged up for purchase. Plus, we are supporting a local business who provides brewing supplies to multiple coffee shops around town. Meaning, the cup of brain juice you drink on your morning commute may very well be Coffee King in disguise.

Anyways, enough about Coffee King, we are on a mission to get caffeinated! And while doing so, we will continue to support local businesses.

So, let’s get to brewing!