After sitting vacant for over forty years, the Warrior Hotel is finally getting some tender-loving care. Purchased by a St. Louis firm who specializes in period-dating historic properties, the Warrior is going through a full
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Chocolate Mansion
When I first moved to Sioux City, I lived on 31st and Jackson Street, only a few blocks down from the Chocolate Mansion, and every day I would drive by it, admiring its commanding presence. Some
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Sioux City’s Railroad History
In our previous posts we have vaguely mentioned the Sioux City railroads and their impact on helping build not only the Corn Palaces and the stockyards, but it has also provided us with a beautifully
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Meat packing plants and processing factories dot the landscape, giving Sioux City a bad reputation of being a smelly city. However, we are noticing a movement away from the stigma of being an industrial town,
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Castle on the Hill
Of all the gift shops in town I wish I had known about, the Central High gift shop was the one I would have visited quite often. Alas, my one, and only, visit was on
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Jolly Time
In my previous post we visited Sioux City's Corn Palaces, and I mentioned that corn would eventually play a critical role in forming Sioux City and its history. Today, we will look at Jolly Time.
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Sioux City’s Corn Palaces
I originally wrote about Sioux City's Corn Palaces back in January of 2019, but I'd like to revisit them for this years month of March. We are focusing on Sioux City's history, and calling it
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Sioux City
So, for the month of March we are going to be looking at Sioux City’s history, and what makes this town unique. In this specific post I’ll be touching on topics I’ve already written about,
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Sioux City’s Railroad Museum
At one time, Sioux City’s railroad hub was the 10th largest railroad center in the nation. Construction began in 1916, meaning this museum complex is over 100 years old! So much history gives me so
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Linda Sue Manor
Being one of the only boutique hotels in Sioux City, the Linda Sue Manor was built in 1896, and boasting the first telephone used in Sioux City, I know you’ll enjoy reading more about this
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