Did you know there is an independent book store in Sioux City? And that it’s been in business since 1977? That’s over 40 years! I have known where Book People was located since moving to
Did you know there is an independent book store in Sioux City? And that it’s been in business since 1977? That’s over 40 years!
I have known where Book People was located since moving to Sioux City in 2007. I’ve lived near Hamilton Boulevard all 12 years of living here in Sioux City, however, I thought it was a small operation that had just popped up, not knowing its importance.
I have stepped inside and looked around only twice before my fateful visit this past weekend. Both of my prior visits were short-lived, because I did not know the value of the services they provide.
Book signing

However, this past weekend our friend was having a book signing. He wrote a book, and we stopped by to show our support. And of course, now that I am actively searching for local businesses, I was intrigued with all the titles they sold.
Neighborhood bookstore
This is when I realized “This is a book store!” I felt embarrassed that I previously had not paid attention to my surroundings, and that I had been absent-minded for all these years. Instead of driving fifteen minutes to the Southern Hills Mall and shop at Barnes & Noble, I could have driven five minutes and shopped locally.

Now that I know though, I will be frequenting this little shop, either to browse their inventory or order in titles I’m interested in reading.
Their website
If you live across town, or are outside of Sioux City, and are interested in ordering online, they also have a website (https://bookpeoplesc.indielite.org/).
More than just a book store
Opening shop in the Indian Hills Shopping Center in 1977, and then moving in 1989 to the Marketplace Shopping Center on Hamilton Boulevard, they sell more than just books.

Greeting cards, soaps and lotions, and stuffed animals, are among many other trinkets and gifts they offer. The owner, Chriss Camenzend, runs a travel agency inside, and she has her office in the far back. I sat down with her yesterday and we talked about organizing a vacation for my Florida honeymoon.
“First” impressions
Going back to my visit this past weekend, once I realized this was a locally owned business, I became more aware of my surroundings. I noticed when first walking in, adult hard-cover and paper-back books were on the left, and a children’s section was on the right.

The shelves are so well organized, and the design is well thought out. Interactive and playful, the “kid zone” is bright and colorful, with enticing toys perched at the top of every book case.

Just like with most small businesses, the staff is knowledgeable and friendly. They’ve read a plethora of titles and can recommend some fun and interesting summer reads.
Giving back to the community
Teachers are immensely important to Book People, so much so, they receive a 15% discount on books used for their classroom. In addition, if you are in a book club, any book purchased in correlation with your club will also receive a 15% discount.

Plan your visit
Check out their events schedule. There are weekly and monthly planned events for everyone. Last month there was a bookmark contest, this week is the 100th anniversary of Children’s Books.

Make your visit if you haven’t already. Support this independent and local endeavor. Give back to your community, and embrace a wonderful cause.