In the beginning of this series I mentioned an urban legend. Well, today we will be looking at this local mystery, and some even say it’s haunted. Albeit, it is definitely secluded, and quite creepy,
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Riverside Park
On our last blog post about the Riverfront I eluded that the corresponding trail running parallel to the river eventually leads into Riverside Park. Perfect transition since today we will be visiting the oldest park
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Chris Larsen Park
Stretching along the Missouri River, this peaceful 5-mile long paved trail is undoubtedly the most popular amongst all the parks featured in this series. Visitors and locals alike come here to fish, leisurely walk, and
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Stone State Park
Admittedly, I am a city girl. I’ll go camping, and I’ve been on many nature hikes, but now that I live in an industrial world I have almost forgotten about the rugged wilderness. Until today!
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Bacon Creek
I’ve known about this park ever since I moved to Sioux City in 2011. I have even ran the 3-mile trail multiple times. The paved trail, hilly landscape, and the abundance of shade trees, makes
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