Known as “Little Mexico”, South Sioux City has quickly become one of my most favorite small towns to discover. Living in Sioux City since 2007, I can honestly say I have not travelled over the
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Mexican Food Trucks
The popularity of food trucks has exploded the past five years, nationwide, and especially, here in Sioux City. Becoming one of the most unique methods of bringing different varieties of low-cost, but high-quality cuisines to
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Neveria Y Antojitos “Cuauhtemoc”
Out of all the restaurants we’ve been to this month, this is the only one I knew I had to feature on its own. Deserving its own blog post, I have tried more items off
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Tacos and Fiestas!
Taco's El Guero Literally ten blocks down from my house is one downtown restaurant I wish I had tried earlier. When I took on this month-long challenge, Taco's El Guero was one of the first
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Orange City Tulip Festival
Every third weekend in May, the township of Orange City puts on an annual Tulip Festival. I have been to three, and find something new every time. From watching the traditional Dutch street dancers, to
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Old vs. New Mexican Restaurants
Today we will be visiting a long-standing Mexican restaurant and a fairly new one. Each are on opposite sides of town, adding variety to your palette. Monterrey's When I first moved to Sioux City back
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Gordon Drive Mexican Restaurants
Today we will be looking at two Mexican restaurants located on Gordon Drive which I have frequented the past week. I even brought a friend on one of our adventures, and here is why they
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Mexico in May
So, this is a perfect transition from April to May, food! In April we looked at several local eateries, and in May we are solely focusing on Mexican restaurants, grocery stores, candy and snacks. Cinco
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