If you are not from around Siouxland then you may not recognize the Tiefenthaler brand logo. But here in our local grocery stores we see their meats on the shelves in almost all locations in
If you are not from around Siouxland then you may not recognize the Tiefenthaler brand logo. But here in our local grocery stores we see their meats on the shelves in almost all locations in the region. Knowing they had a processing plant here in Holstein, I was not aware that this the actual home base camp for Tiefenthaler. I’m always surprised by what makes a small town famous, and what brings in the revenue. So I knew I had to make this my first stop of the day. If I select a place to visit before my coffee then you know it has been on my to do list for a while, and that I am very excited to be featuring this on my blog.
Taking over the business in 1991, owner, John Tiefenthaler, eventually built this complex in 2004 after outgrowing their previous location. And along with retail sales, Tiefenthaler and his crew slaughter livestock that is shipped in from farmers as far away as three hours.

Expect the unexpected
Expecting a much larger facility I was quite surprised of how small an operation it is, considering the Tri-State reach and beyond it has. I walked in and I could hear the phone ringing, the front desk receptionist was placing orders for Christmas gifts one after another. I loved seeing how busy they were and how much business they were getting. I could see through the display windows into the carving stations where the crew were stripping meat off the bones with expert precision.
Looking around I saw refrigeration units and chest freezers full of product from goat cheese, to bratwurst, links and even hand-cut steaks. We are a household that loves different kinds of flavors and salsas, so I of course gravitated towards their huge selection of seasonings and even picked up a jar of salsa.

And the award goes to…
Walking around I also noticed all of the awards displayed on the wall from years of serving the community and beating out the competition. The Tiefenthalers have competed in state, regional and even national competitions where they repeatedly bring home 1st and 2nd place awards and plaques. Being a manager for a local steakhouse, I mentioned to a few of my cooks that I plan to visit Tiefenthaler, and they explicitly told me that I needed to grab them some goodies. So, I packed my car with gift baskets.
Overall, being that Holstein is only an hour east of Sioux City, I will be making atrip at least once a quarter to see what new inventory they have, different flavors and creations, and support this amazing local business. Finally, you can visit their website (https://www.tqmeats.com/) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/goskinless/) to keep up on upcoming events and what’s new in stock, along with any ongoing sales and weekly specials.
504 N Main Street
Holstein, Iowa 51025