For the month of January, we are going to pursue a tour of Asian restaurants and grocery stores in and around Sioux City. In the past, I’ve written about Koi Sushi & Steakhouse and Da
For the month of January, we are going to pursue a tour of Asian restaurants and grocery stores in and around Sioux City. In the past, I’ve written about Koi Sushi & Steakhouse and Da Kao, two very popular restaurants here in Sioux City. In fact, my mother-in-law’s favorite all-time restaurant here in Sioux City is Da Kao, and Koi is literally six blocks from my house, so naturally I’ve already featured these two establishments. But now comes my chance to break away from my normal routine, and try new places and new food.

You get your groceries where?
My decision to feature Asian businesses has multiple reasons, the first is to, as always, support local, and the second, is to find new places to find our groceries. My husband and I have successfully diverted our buying habits away from big box stores, to favor small businesses. And we have made a two-year goal to cut out large grocery stores from our lives, and start looking for alternatives. Conveniently, we, here in Sioux City, have two main Asian grocery stores, which I plan to feature, and eventually make it habit for us to shop here, rather than rely on our regular current routine.

Tour de force
From Japanese to Vietnamese to even Filipino, our journey will include mainstream popular food you’ve most likely heard of, and some dishes you’d never think to order without some persuasion. Both foreign and familiar entrées will be highlighted, and I hope after this month, you are more curious as to what diner options are out there. Many of these businesses may be out of your comfort zone, but you’d be surprised at how accepting people of different cultures are when you genuinely show interest in their art, music and literature.

Let’s explore!
This month will be full of new flavorful experiences, and I hope by showing you different cultures and neighborhoods, you take it upon yourself to branch out, and explore new territory. Don’t get stuck in the same boring routine. Make your next diner date eventful and unexpected, and have a little fun!