Health has always been important to me. Maintaining a balanced diet, staying active and meditating are common practices in my personal life. And now that I’m in my late 30s, continuing to support a nutritious
Health has always been important to me. Maintaining a balanced diet, staying active and meditating are common practices in my personal life. And now that I’m in my late 30s, continuing to support a nutritious and balanced diet has become a priority.
I’d like to think I take good care of myself, and the same goes for my husband, who is a bodybuilder. So, when I heard about the Holistic Health Expo, I didn’t want to miss it.
The Gerson Therapy
My husband and I have been on a personal quest this past year to find other sources that foster our bodies healing potential. The human body has a lot of power, and I would rather find a resolution to any physical ailment, than settle for taking pharmaceutical pills that only temporarily numb the symptoms.
At home I have the book The Gerson Therapy. It illustrates a complex and strict regimen that has been used to treat people with cancer and other diseases by removing toxins from the body and boosting the immune system.
This homeopathic method has always intrigued me, since I am slowly removing my faith in synthetic drugs and over-the-counter pills that, more or less, keep you sick in order to continue making money off of you.
First impressions
So, when I went to the Health Expo, I was excited to pick up brochures, handouts and information on ways I can improve my health, and facilitate an improved at-home routine.
Walking in I immediately smelled lavender oil. Paying the $5.00 admission fee, I began to make my way from vendor table to vendor table. I picked up brochures on chakras, raw honey, apple cider, plant therapy, essential oils, CBD, bone-strengthening, and organic coffee.
There were tarot card and psychic readings, massage beds, chiropractors, gemstone healings, acupuncture, meditation, dieticians, and yoga instructors.
Let’s look at some of the businesses offering their products and services:
My mom and I recently discussed the effects of CBD oil. People with chronic migraines, trouble sleeping, arthritis, sports injuries, post-surgery patients, and even individuals with epilepsy have taken CBD oil.
Jodi ( was there promoting her business. I visited her site, and found that she sells shampoo, topical cream, lotions, dog treats, bath bombs, coffee and much more!
I am definitely going to look more into her business, the products she sells and how it can benefit me and my family.
Coffee, tea, and skin care?
Organo ( is a company that creates organic coffee, teas, toothpaste, soap, protein powder, and even skin care. I spoke with one of their representatives for about 5 minutes and learned their products offer relief from arthritis, weight loss, improved immune system and liver function, and promotes deeper sleep, among many other healing properties.
I like the organic options, more than the chemically filled alternatives grocery stores sell, and I will be looking into this company further as a source for many of my future purchases.
essential oils
If you know me, you know I love lotions. I lotion up every morning after showering, and multiple times throughout the day. However, I have become very aware of what I put on my skin the past couple years. Sorry, retail brands, but I no longer use your products after doing research on the harmful chemicals in your products. Therefore, I began using lotions from local farmers. I have tried several different varieties and I’m always open to trying new.
This being said, I was so excited to see a booth about essential oils. Plant therapy ( offers oils, lotions, diffusers, and even beard balms. My husband mentions oils and lotions about once a week. He knows I spray a relaxing eucalyptus oil on our pillows, and that I incorporate soothing oils when massaging his feet.
Plant Therapy has starter kits, and gift sets, perfect for someone like me that doesn’t necessarily know what to order, but is curious enough to try something new. My husband grows his beard out every winter, and I’m always wanting to smell good, so the beard balm and diffuser necklace look like useful Valentine’s Day gifts.
healthy habits
You’ve probably heard of numerous healthy eating programs. Well let me introduce you to Octavia (, a healthy alternative to snacking. They have everything from popcorn, croutons, shakes, protein bars, and so much more.
This would be something I’d be interested in, especially on a long road trip. Any help I can get to avoid eating unhealthy fast food, I’ll take!
So now that we’ve talked about some brands you may have not been familiar with, let’s talk about some local establishments you may recognize, or didn’t know were so accessible.
main street massage
The first booth I stopped at was Main Street Massage and Wellness Center ( Perfect timing since my husband I were both talking about getting massages after this hectic holiday season.
Displayed at their tables were essential oils and diffusers. Among the many on display were oils to treat pain, skin care, mood management, raspatory relaxation, and even immune system boosters.
The owner, Drew, has even created and designed his own oils, and is in the process producing more. In fact, their website promotes self-healing, and introduces you to massage therapy, reflexology, reiki, and aromatherapy.
I can already feel my body in need of a relaxing afternoon, and I plan to research their practices and products further.
1301 W 1st
Sioux City, IA 51103
But there’s a contender!
mind & body
Being in desperate need of a massage, I picked up information on a second massage therapist, Mind and Body ( Or should I say massage therapists?! Since they have thirteen employed! All of which are extensively trained in various treatment techniques and services.
Needing relief from constant pain sustained from a sports injury, or even an ongoing degenerative condition? Their professional and experienced staff will assist you. Massages have helped many suffering from physical limitations and mental stress.
They even write a blog! They have posts for you to read illustrating the career of a massage therapist, benefits of massage therapy, and even massage etiquettes. Reading this before my next appointment will definitely help me feel more comfortable.
1925 Geneva St
Sioux City, IA 51103
Both massage therapists are close to my house. Oh, what shall I do? Guess I’ll have to try both in the name of research.
Opening in the Lakeport Commons seven months ago, OsteoStrong (, is a fairly new business in town. Chatting with the owner for about five minutes, I learned they test your bone density, body posture, balance, and much more in only 60 seconds.
Your skeleton is like the chassis of a car. It’s your frame, your foundation. You are always told to build your house on a strong foundation, why not your body? This made so much sense to me after I watched all their informational videos on their website.
In addition, there are machines in their facility that help them assess your condition. Whether it be an old sports injury, back pain, or even low energy, OsteoStrong was created to bring you back to your full potential. Your first assessment is free, and I will be making mine, and my husband’s, appointments soon.
5001 Sergeant Rd., Suite 265
Sioux City, IA 51106
We talked earlier about CBD, and there happens to be a local establishment that supports medical marijuana, MedPharm ( I learned there are an array of CBD to THC ratios, and varying products that will help you treat your condition(s).
Tablet, cream, and oils are common prescribed forms of CBD and THC. Patients with cancer, seizures, autism, ALS, and Parkinson’s disease are all candidates to receive consultation and eventually prescribed products from MedPharm.
However, one does not necessarily need a debilitating disease to become a patient. Anxiety and arthritis are common among many, and can be treated at MedPharm. If you are interested in learning more, there is a lot of information on their website. Be sure to visit, educate yourself, or even make a visit to their offices.
5700 Sunnybrook Drive
Sioux City, IA 51106
re-educating myself
Now that we’ve talked about specific businesses, let’s look at the reading material I picked up exploring statistical data and research regarding apple cider vinegar, turmeric, honey, and coconut oil.
apple cider vinegar
Starting with apple cider vinegar; this simple, but amazing, ingredient has been PROVEN to boost immune system, regulates blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, reduces heart disease, and prevents indigestion.
My husband I drank a hot tea concoction every morning for about year. It consisted of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and cinnamon. We noticed it helped with our morning cravings and increased our energy.
Next, turmeric, a flowering plant of the ginger family, grows wild in the forests of South and Southeast Asia. Containing bioactive and anti-inflammatory compounds, studies have shown that it also has incredible benefits against depression.
Giving curry its yellow color, turmeric is an even more powerful ingredient to add to your diet, and here are some reasons why! Turmeric has the capabilities of lowering the risk of brain and heart disease, delaying the effects of aging (on the mind and body), and even has been shown to prevent and treat cancer!
Have you been wanting to cut sugar out of your diet? Did you know that white sugar is completely stripped of all its nutritional value, providing empty calories? And that brown sugar is simply molasses added back to white sugar for color and flavor.
Ever thought of putting honey in your coffee? I have, and it’s extremely rewarding. As a powerful antibacterial agent, the Ancient Romans, Chinese, Greeks and Egyptians all used honey to treat wounds. In addition, honey improves health gut bacteria, protects against gastric lesions, and even reduces the appearance of scars.
Last summer I met a local beekeeper out of Salix, Iowa, and I found out you can reduce your allergy symptoms by consuming local honey. I’m not sure of the science behind it, but your allergies are regional. Meaning you may experience different allergies in different parts of the country, and by incorporating local honey into your diet, you can help decrease and regulate your allergic reactions.
coconut oil
Applying coconut oil topically can improve dry and damaged hair, moisturize skin, and can reduce the symptoms of eczema. I have even heard of ladies substituting their shaving cream for coconut oil, since it doesn’t dry out the skin or irritate it. My chiropractor even puts coconut oil in his coffee!
You can add coconut oil to smoothies, substitute it for cooking oil, use as a face mask, and for a healthy additive, you can replace butter with it in many of your recipes.
cilantro and dandelions
Lastly, I’d like to mention two more detoxifying organic additives you can incorporate into your diet; an herb and a flower. You’ve probably used cilantro in cooking dishes, a soup garnish, or even a pizza topping. But did you know cilantro chelates heavy metals from the body? Meaning consuming large amounts of cilantro can help people with heavy metal toxicity.
Finally, dandelions, like cilantro, can also help detoxify the body. Thought of as a nuisance by most, and cut down by the weekly lawn mower visit, this flower is a robust and useful green. Dandelions have a surprising amount of protein, helps cleanse the liver, and even has more calcium than spinach! I have been hearing more and more about dandelion root, and I’ve even seen dandelion tea in the grocery store.
the end is near!
This was a long blog post, and if you’ve read this far, THANK YOU! Overall, I enjoyed my visit to the expo, and the energy I felt in that room was so incredibly positive and uplifting. People were sharing their testimonials, and genuinely want to help people in need.
I was able to grab several business cards, put my name down for drawings and meet many new and local business owners. I’m excited to start replacing old habits with new methods and routines.
Additionally, what a perfect time to have this expo, at the beginning of the year when resolutions are made, and they are easier to be kept when there’s a system in place to help.
plan for next year
If you missed this year’s expo, there will be one next year. However, you don’t have to wait a full year to contact some of these businesses. If you find or see something I’ve written about interesting, and want more information on, then contact that specific business owner, or even visit their establishment. They will be more than happy to answer your questions and set you on the right path.
I plan to research more of these businesses, and reach out to a few of them for more information. Educating yourself is key, as is, being open to new ways to heal your body. I hope you enjoyed reading this in-depth post on the 6th Annual Holistic Health Expo, and remember to support local establishments and small businesses in Siouxland.